News & Events
Current Contracts
Executive Committee

MCCEA represents the faculty, counselors, advisors, and education support professionals of Metropolitan Community College in Omaha, Nebraska.  The MCCEA is affiliated with the NSEA and the NEA.

Members who need immediate assistance should contact our organizational specialist: Matt Pittman via email - mattpittman@nsea.org or call him at NSEA - 1-800-7420-0047
or a representative of the MCCEA board (see Executive Committee).

MCCEA Fall Meeting Scheduled see News & Events

                       MCCEA...It is you! 

Top 10 Reasons to Join MCCEA

If belonging to your professional community isn’t reason enough, here are 10 more reasons for being a member of the MCCEA.

10...Cool pens and calendars

9...Early-enrollment April 1 (1st year covers 16 months for the cost of 12)

8...Nebraska Higher Education Academy – Membership conference, continuing  education, networking, leadership development

7...Payroll deduction

6...Great Publications – NSEA Voice, NEA Higher Education Advocate, NEA Thought & Action

5...Having a voice, a vote, on issues regarding pay, benefits and working conditions (only members vote on contract)

4...Moral support, hand holding when necessary when facing employment issues

3...$1 million professional liability coverage

2...Savings and discounts on mortgage/home equity loans, NSEA Access Card

1...Insurance savings – health insurance, car, homeowners

What members say...

‘‘By using the group coverage with NEA, I’m saving over 40 percent on my car insurance" — Kevin Throne, member since 2004

"At Pizza Hut I can get a large pizza for a medium charge using my NSEA Access Card. You can also get discounts on purchases such as movies, fine dining, hotel stays, airfares and more with your card. Take advantage of this member benefit."— Helen Tanderup, member since 1999

‘‘I participated in a year-long leaders training activity that was completely underwritten by the NEA. The training was excellent and the networking at the national level was priceless!" — Karen Rodgers, member since 2002.

"I was pleased to see my opinion published in The Advocate... when I e-mailed them my thoughts, they asked me if it was okay to print my point of view — and then sent a photographer to Metro to get a picture! It is good to think that we can sometimes make a difference even in schools far from us, and I encourage you to respond to their questions too!"

Contact MCCEA President or MCCEA Treasurer for a membership form.  See "Executive Committee."
