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Weare at a critical juncture regarding legislation to change the Commission ofIndustrial Relations Act (CIR).  There is an IMMEDIATE need forevery teacher, spouse, friend and neighbor to contact your legislator and the Governor. Youneed to tell them why it is important for Nebraska to keep the CIR as aneutral, third party to resolve labor disputes.  Please write your messagein your own words.  You will find basic information on the issue at: http://www.nsea.org/2011CIR.htm 

Thereare powerful forces trying to tip the scales against employees by making theCIR an advisory-only body.  Current changes being proposed would leave allfinal decisions on negotiations to local school boards. There would no longerbe an objective entity that would evaluate the facts and order an equitabledecision to resolve impasse when necessary. 

If you believe givinglocal school boards carte blanche might cause problems, tell that to the Governorin a letter or email.  In your own words, tell the Governor and yoursenator WHY that would be a problem. TheGovernor’s email is:  dave.heineman@nebraska.gov  

Givelocal examples, if you are able to, and explain how this could lead to allsorts of problems  (inequities, low morale, uncertainty, loss of goodemployees, and divisiveness – all of which will hurt students).   

Sendthe same email to your local state Senator.  You can find their email atthis link http://www3.capwiz.com/nea/ne/state/main/?state=NE 

Pleaseshare this information with others.  Do not use school email to dothat.  Then, share and talk about this information with 10 people in yourschool that will act on this request by sending an email to the Governorand their State Senator sometime this week. 

It would be even morepowerful if you could have a family member or neighbor send emails expressingsupport for maintaining the CIR and the balance and fairness it provides inlabor disputes. This need is urgent.  We do not want Nebraska to become anotherWisconsin! 
Thank you for your assistance in this urgent matter!

Additional information can be found at:
NSEA LEGISLATIVE UPDATES  http://www.nsea.org/legislation-politics
